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Terms and Conditions

The website www.pakmaya.ro is the property of Rompak S.R.L., headquartered in Pașcani, 1C Grădiniței street, Iași County, postal code 705200, CIF RO 6551041, J22/2877/1994, share capital: 10.411.000 lei. This document sets forth the terms and conditions under which you may access and use the website www.pakmaya.ro.

Access and use of the website www.pakmaya.ro are made in accordance with the terms and conditions below. Accessing, using, and/or logging into the site constitutes the user’s agreement to accept the terms and conditions, with all the consequences arising from their acceptance.

Please read carefully the terms and conditions of use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the “terms and conditions of use”) before using this website.

By accessing, browsing, or simply using the website or its mobile version, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions of use. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this website or the privacy policy as described below, please do not use this website.

1. Access and Use

Rompak reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of use without prior or subsequent notice.

The permitted purpose for using the website is to obtain information about Rompak S.R.L. and its products. Any other use for other purposes than the intended one is not permitted.

The term “user” refers to any natural or legal person of private or public law, including any authority and/or public institution, or any entity with or without legal personality, that will access this website. The term “user” also includes the term “visitor.”

The following are not permitted:

  • unauthorized or fraudulent access;
  • copying, duplicating, distributing, archiving, or storing, by any means, including electronic, magnetic or computerized, the materials and information on this site;
  • attempting to interfere, by any means, in the content of this website, deleting or modifying by any means the materials and information published, or attempting to act for such purposes.

Violation of any of these rules entails civil or criminal liability.

2. Copyright, Trademark, and Intellectual Property

The copyright for the information available on the site is owned by Rompak S.R.L. No material from this site may be reproduced, transmitted, distributed, or displayed in whole or in part, nor modified, without the prior express permission of Rompak S.R.L., granted through a written agreement.

The content of the website is the property of or licensed to Rompak S.R.L. and is protected by intellectual property laws, patents, trademarks, usage rights, and other applicable laws.

By “content” is meant, by way of example, any text, images, drawings, color combinations, audio or video archives, software, registered trademarks, logos, slogans and industrial designs, font codes, interface and structure, design, selection and arrangement or presentation of any information included in the website.

Rompak S.R.L. shall in no event be liable for any infringement of intellectual property rights caused by content provided by third parties. In addition, Rompak S.R.L. shall not be liable for any damage caused to individuals or properties resulting from methods, theories, ideas, opinions, statements or recommendations within this content.

Those who consider that their intellectual property rights have been infringed by the content of this site, to the extent that they justify a legitimate interest and show evidence of harm, may contact Rompak S.R.L.

3. Service availability

Rompak S.R.L. has the right to modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, partially or totally, the services made available through this site with or without prior notice.

Rompak S.R.L. shall not be liable to the user, any third party natural or legal person or authority / institution or any entity, with or without legal personality, for modification, suspension or discontinuation of the available services.

Rompak S.R.L. may at any time change the content and conditions of use of the website.

The new conditions take effect from the moment they have been made public by being uploaded on the site and are not retroactive.

4. Limitation and Disclaimer of Liability

By agreeing to use the site, you expressly declare that you understand and agree that:

  • you are solely responsible for your use of the site.

Rompak S.R.L. does not provide any guarantees nor is it liable that:

  • the information will meet all your requirements;
  • the services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free;
  • the results obtained from using the site’s information will be accurate or reliable;
  • any program errors will be corrected.

The user is only person responsible for any damage caused to the computing systems or to the network from which they access the site, or for any other loss of data which could be the result of downloading information and services from the content of the site.

Rompak S.R.L. is not liable for any damages, direct, indirect, accidental, special, including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of use, data, or other intangible or immeasurable losses etc. (even if Rompak S.R.L. has been informed in advance of the possibility of such losses), resulting from accessing and/or using the site.

For sections of the site that may contain readers’ opinions, the responsibility for the content of those opinions lies entirely with their authors. Rompak S.R.L. reserves the right not to publish those opinions that contravene the terms and conditions of use or that it deems harmful, in any form, to its own image, partners, or third parties.

5. Links to Other Websites

The website may contain links to other websites managed by third parties. Rompak S.R.L. does not monitor, promote, or have control over these sites.

Rompak S.R.L. is not responsible for the content or policies of the third parties that own these sites and the user understands and accepts that accessing these sites is done at the user’s own risk.

You agree that Rompak S.R.L. is not liable to you or anyone else for any loss or damage of any kind, whether based on contract or not, caused by negligence, recklessness, or intent, for any costs, losses, or damages (direct, indirect, compensatory, especially loss of profit, compensatory damages, liquidated damages, or penalties) arising from or in connection with your access to or your use of a third-party site.

Rompak S.R.L. does not offer or sell, directly or through third parties, the products and services available on third-party websites.

Rompak S.R.L. warns that it does not control, monitor, or endorse the products, services, content, information, data, files, or any other materials from third-party websites. Therefore, Rompak S.R.L. recommends that the user exercises caution when using the services, information, data, files, products, and any materials of third parties.

6. User Rights

Cookie Policy and Similar Technologies

This site uses Cookies, which are short pieces of text stored on your computer that are useful for site administration and maintenance.

Some personal data may be collected by these cookies. You can learn more about how we use them and what data is collected by reading our Cookie Policy here.

Personal Data Protection Policy

Our personal data protection policy can be accessed here.

The personal data protection policy may be revised periodically. Revisions regarding how we collect or use personal data will be announced by posting the revised version online. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of use of the site and, implicitly, with the personal data protection policy, in whole or in part, please discontinue using of the site.

For any questions related to the Terms and Conditions of Use of the site, please contact us by email at relatii.clienti@pakmaya.ro.

Rompak S.R.L. does not assume any kind of responsibility for situations in which the user publishes their address or any other personal data, on their own initiative, in a public message.

Access by minors

 In the event that minors transfer personal information without the consent of a parent or legal guardian, Rompak S.R.L. is not responsible for accidentally obtaining information about children or parents. In this case, the consents and information transmitted in this manner can be revoked at any time by sending a notice to this effect via email or mail.


 Any possible litigation in connection with these sites is under the jurisdiction of the courts of common law in Romania.

Effective Date

 These terms and conditions have been published and are valid starting from October 1, 2024.